emo 2 the extremo (///w<)

here r sum helpful sitez i've used 2 make my site that i recommend !!

p.s. This list will b upd8ed whenever i find new sitez !

pre made graphicz

glittergraphics - TONZZZ of graphic codez !! gr8 4 ur myspace page x33
zwani - lotz of super kewl emo graphicz, mostly text
99gifshop - filled with tonz of fun 90z & early 2000z gifz & graphicz !!

graphic makerz

blinkiescafe - make ur own blinkiez !!
ezgif - easy 2 use gif maker

counterz, widgetz & decor

sadgrl's 88x31 button maker - make a site button 4 ppl 2 link ur page with !! (check out her other web tutorials also !!)

cutercounter - countz how many timez ur site haz been viewed (not very accurate but at least it lookz nice !! xDDDD)

music player (made byvirtual diva) - a cool (& working) mp3 player, add as many songz 2 it as u want !!

imood - tell site viewerz how ur feeling

statuscafe - make status postz & add them 2 ur website !! (goez gr8 with imood ^^)

cursors4u - add a custom cursor 2 ur site !!

smartgb - create a guestbook 4 ppl 2 sign !!

image toolz

imgur - free online image hosting !! just upload ur images & get their linkz, no account needed !!

removebg - give ur imagez transparent backgroundz !!

Black Heart