here r sum helpful sitez i've used 2 make my site that i recommend !!
p.s. This list will b upd8ed whenever i find new sitez !
pre made graphicz
glittergraphics - TONZZZ of graphic codez !! gr8 4 ur myspace page x33
zwani - lotz of super kewl emo graphicz, mostly text
99gifshop - filled with tonz of fun 90z & early 2000z gifz & graphicz !!
yupthatsme's blinkie archive - huge collection of 90z & 2000z blinkiez, gifz, & other graphicz !!
mace486's button wall - huge collection of 4k+ buttonz !!
pixels carrd - lotz of lil animated pixel iconz 4 u 2 use !!
dividers carrd - similar 2 the pixels carrd mentioned above, but with dividers instead ^^